We know that for many people your vehicle is your life-line. We also know that having insurance isn’t an option, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve an affordable policy that provides the best coverage.
Having an auto insurance policy provides you with important financial protection:
- If you’re vehicle is damaged in an accident or stolen it can cost a lot of money to have it fixed or replaced.
- If you’re involved in accident and someone else is injured you may be sued thousands or millions of dollars and also incur significant legal expenses to defend yourself.
- If you or any passenger in your vehicle are injured in accident you may incur significant medical and rehabilitation costs. Auto insurance policies in Ontario include mandatory and optional accident benefits that cover some of these expenses including lost income if you are unable to work. Auto insurance policies in Ontario include mandatory and optional accident benefits that cover some of these expenses including lost income if you are unable to work.
Give us a few minutes of your time and we can provide you with an auto insurance policy that has only the options you want and that makes sense for your unique situation.
If you have a few accidents or tickets on your driving record you may find that you have been deemed a high risk driver. While this will increase your premiums, the fact is that you likely still have options.
CMR partners with several high risk insurance companies that can provide you with competitive rates until you re-qualify for regular market rates.
Tired of paying high rates simply because you are deemed a young driver? Want to be judged on your driving skills instead of your age?
We partner with several companies that offer competitive rates for young drivers and can provide you with a no obligation quote for a policy tailored to meet your preferences.
Did you know?
If you operate a motor vehicle in Ontario without proper insurance there is a minimum fine of $5,000.
If you enroll in the Intact Insurance “my Drive” program you can save up to 30% on your auto insurance premiums.
my Drive uses an app on your smartphone to record your driving behaviour, including the duration of trips, hard braking, rapid acceleration, cornering and turns, kilometers driven and distracted driving to determine your personalized discount. You see your potential discount right on your phone and you can maintain or improve your personalized discount every six months by driving safely. For further details click on the video below.
If you use your vehicle for any business purposes, which includes driving for Uber, you’ll need to have commercial auto insurance or a special endorsement added to your policy to make sure you are properly protected.
You can save up to 15% when combining your home and auto insurance with the same company.
The cost of “classic car” insurance could be significantly less than the cost of your regular auto insurance policy even if your classic car has a higher value than your regular use vehicle.
We can insure ATVs, snowmobiles, motorcycles,motorhomes, fifth wheels, travel trailers, tent trailers, truck campers, park models and more.
Get it today!
CMR Advantage
Servicing over 20,000 families and businesses for over 35 years
Provide you with the best insurance value that meets your needs
No call centres! We will help you through any stressful situations
Bound by IBAO’s Code of Ethics to obtain the best possible coverage
Skilled & highly educated professionals available to assist you
Success of CMR relies solely upon satisfying your insurance needs