Daniel & Melanie Craig Memorial Tournament 2023

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Friday July 11th, 2025

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Saugeen Golf Club, 5278 Bruce County Road 3, Port Elgin, ON, N0H 2C6

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9:30am Registration 11:00am Start

The Event

About The Tournament

The Daniel & Melanie Craig Memorial Tournament was founded in 2015. Established as the Daniel T. Craig Memorial Tournament, it was originally held in memory of Danny Craig who passed away on June 27, 2014. Unfortunately, on October 10, 2020, Danny’s wife Melanie also passed away and as a result this tournament was officially renamed in honour of both Melanie and Danny.

For those who knew Danny, you are likely aware that he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease which is a neurodegenerative disease affecting more than 100,000 Canadians and millions worldwide. Finding a cure for Parkinson’s Disease was important to Danny, and as such, $5,000 from this tournament is donated each year to help continue research into its prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

In addition, because both Danny and Melanie were strong proponents of community involvement and giving back, proceeds raised from this tournament are also used to help support many important causes and organizations listed below.

This tournament is only possible with the generous support of our friends and sponsors, all of whom allow us to make a positive difference in the lives of many people.

In loving memory of Danny and Melanie Craig


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Thank You!

Your contributions help make a difference!

In memory of Danny & Melanie we are honoured to say that funds raised from this tournament have been donated to the following causes/organizations:


Tournament Sponsors

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