CMR Insurance Brokers Ltd. is pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2015 we have acquired an ownership stake in, and formed a partnership with Hills Insurance Saugeen Shores Ltd. in Southampton, Ontario.

Under the arrangement, Hills Insurance President Michael Hills will remain in his leadership role and continue to operate their office under a joint Hills Insurance/CMR Insurance brand. Over time, there will be a gradual transition with Hills Insurance eventually becoming operated as a branch of CMR Insurance Brokers Ltd. and operating completely under the CMR Insurance brand.

This partnership follows months of discussions and planning between Hills Insurance & CMR Insurance and both sides believe that this is the best option for our clients in terms of future succession plans. Our organizations share the same principles and both parties bring unique skills to the table that will be mutually beneficial for all of our clients. Above all else though, our strength lies in our shared commitment to the communities we live and do business in.

What does this mean for you?

For clients of Hills Insurance it will be business as usual. Michael Hills, along with his knowledgeable staff will continue to operate Hills Insurance and provide the same great service and advice to clients as they have been accustomed to. Through this strategic partnership though, there will be new advantages for clients of Hills Insurance including access to more insurance companies and products.

For clients of CMR Insurance it will also continue to be business as usual. At CMR, we are keenly interested in building a truly independent insurance brokerage that is going to last well into the future and this partnership with Hills Insurance allows us to expand our commitment to better serving a broader geographic area.  As always, it is our goal to continually be improving the customer experience and we believe that this partnership is a step in the right direction.

Contact Information for Hills Insurance can be found by clicking on the following link: Click Here

Meet the Hills Insurance Team: Click Here

History of Hills Insurance Saugeen Shores Ltd.

Hills Insurance was originally established in 1943 by retired advertising manager of the Ford Motor Company Ellis Millard as an agent for the Dominion Life Assurance Company.

Ellis took great interest in his new community, he sold victory bonds, was elected as Mayor and helped raise funds for the building of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital.

In 1956, the insurance agency was purchased by Stan Hills who worked with Ellis as a licensed general and life insurance agent. Stan also took an active role in the community serving on council, the Chamber of Commerce and various community organizations.

In 2001 Stan’s son Michael and daughter in-law Mary Lou acquired Stan Hills Insurance Broker Ltd. on Stan’s retirement and gave the brokerage a new name Hills Insurance Saugeen Shore Ltd.  In addition to providing personal and commercial insurance, the boutique insurance brokerage specializes in First Nation lease land, seasonal and secondary dwelling insurance.